What division do I register my child for?

Please visit the Fees & Payment Info page.

We just moved into the CHBA area, and the website isn’t letting us register. Do we need a release from our old association?

No, though you do need your hockey records transferred. You will need to complete a Parent Declaration Form and send it to the registrar.  She will initiate the transfer process, and let you know when it comes through. Until this step is completed you won't be able to register.
How can I pay?

Please visit the Fees & Payment Info page.
Outstanding Fees: Must be paid in full for members to be considered "in good standing" and eligible to be registered for the upcoming season. If you still owe fees from the 2021-2022 hockey season please contact Treasurer, Roberta Hupman at treasurer@chbawings.org before proceeding with this season's registration.

Does it make any difference if I am registering more than one child?

For families with three or more players, please use the family deduction on the youngest child’s application.  However, if one of the children is trying out for a High School, Major Bantam, or Major Midget team, the deduction is used on that player’s Registration form (because if he/she makes that team then you may no longer have three children playing for CHBA, and the deduction would not apply).
My child is just starting hockey.  What gear do I need?  What group will we be in?  Do you know when our ice times will be?  And what is this Respect in Sport Parent Program?

Those first three questions would be best asked of Shannon Lander, U7 & U9 programs. You can e-mail her at novice@chbawings.org. Additionally, there will be communication sent out to parents who are new to hockey, so please keep an eye out for an email from CHBA. You can also sign up to receive emails from the association (select General Information at the bottom).
As for the Respect in Sport Parent Program, it is an online course run by Hockey Canada (through Hockey Nova Scotia).  All parents of newly registered players regardless of level must take the Respect in Sport Parent Program at a cost of $12 per family (to be covered by the parents, not CHBA).  If you completed it within the last two years for another child then you may add the course to the new player’s profile.  The link for the course may be found at http://www.hockeynovascotia.ca/hns_11618.html.   

When does registration close for the season?

There is no set date for registration close. If a player wants to register part way through the season (i.e. because they missed the registration call, they have moved in from another location, etc.), the registration fees will be pro-rated depending on when that player registers.

I have already registered my child and have recently received the conditioning camp schedule by email. At registration time, I did not sign my child up for camp, however, I am wondering if it is too late to do so?

In advance of the conditioning camp beginning, you are able to still sign up your child even if you did not do so during the registration process. An email would need to be sent to the Registrar at registrar@chbawings.org and a copy to the Treasurer at treasurer@chbawings.org advising of your intention to sign your child up for conditioning (please advise them of your child’s name and division). Payment would need to be received by the Treasurer before your child would be able to step onto the ice for any conditioning session. Payment cannot be made at the rink at the time of the first ice session in any circumstance.