League News
Team Manager & Treasurer Meeting
Annual Team Manager and Treasurer Information Meeting
Thursday October 20th at 8:00pm - Zoom
The annual Manager and Treasurer Meeting will be held this Thursday night, October 20th at 8:00pm on Zoom.
If you are a team Manager or Treasurer for the upcoming 2022-23 season please send an email indicating the position you will be holding, team name and your contact information to Mark Scholey at managercoordinator@ chbawings.org.
Zoom meeting details will be send to those who provide their contact information. *** Any teams that have not yet chosen a Manager, a coach must attend the meeting.
*** New this year, all head coaches, assistant coaches, and team managers must register in HCR.
All head coaches must submit their staff roster to Kary at registrar@chbawings.org no later than Oct. 27th
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mark at the email above.